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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Da Mook!

Tune into BuddyDank Radio tonight to catch the non-stop crazy zany comedy duo that is Buddy and Tragedy! We'll be on tonight shortly after 8pm Central and will be there till the end.
We may have a special guest or two. If you are interesting in coming on the show you just need to have a headset with microphone and Skype. Call me up at buddydank!

I love love love playing the Mookie! I think it's because the tourney is more about having fun than making money. People tend to get a little pissy in the more expensive games but during the Mook, ANYTHING GOES!!! Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!

And the big news of the week is the BBT Freeroll tomorrow. I was one of the 5 that was out of the tournament already and now I'm back in. I'm happy for the chance to do better this time around and I know some people aren't pleased that we all get a do-over but whatever! I'm not going to throw the game because someone thinks I shouldn't still be in it. I'm going to play it like it never happened.
The other news is that I already got my Neteller money back. Looking around the blogosphere I see that others have to. Good Stuff right there!

And anyone who is intersted in my progression with fixing my car go HERE!

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